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Brooklyn's Hawaii Collection

Model & Silversmith// @brooklyn_ollivier

Photographer// @mckennajophotos

Tell us about yourself! What do you do outside of Gem Studio?

Hi!! My name is Brooklyn and I currently live in Hawaii! Literally my dream came true and I could not be more excited to live here. Some things I do outside of the gem studio are surfing(duh), cooking yummy foods, organizing anything that is messy;), playing the ukulele, hanging with my friends and more! A couple things I could NOT live without woud have to be almond butter, the ocean, and oversized t-shirts:)

What inspired this collection?

I wanted a collection that didn’t just represent the beach, but represented everything about Hawaii and all it has to offer! You’ll notice in my collection that every ring/necklace is a different color/stone representing a different element of Hawaii. Hence the name of the collection… Elements of Hawaii! The blue stone represents the ocean, the black stone represents the volcanos, the green stone represents the greenery here in Hawaii, the yellow/orange stones represent the sun, the pink stone represents the flowers, and the white stones represent the clouds!

What are you most passionate about?

I am super passionate about self growth and confidence! I have done endless research on the subject and I find it amazing how much power we have over ourselves. I always want to be the best version of myself. Let me tell ya that does not happen very often haha but it’s a goal I’m always working towards and that I think everyone should work towards!

What is currently playing on your Spotify/Apple Music?

I’m such a sucker for sad music and good vibes music HAHA. I’m currently listening to Novo Amor, Calum Scott, Lany, Quinn XCII, and Role Model!

What do you want to manifest in your life over the next year?

A couple things that I am manifesting right now are keeping a happy and healthy body, having a successful job, one day being a Naturopathic doctor and the best one of all, going to be able to hang 10 on my surfboard;) I am a believer in manifestation and saying you can do anything you put your mind to!

Being new to Hawaii, what are you most excited to do?

I’m just so so so excited to surf! I’ve surfed a bunch of times before so coming to an island known for surfing is a dream. I’m also so excited to go on amazing hikes on Oahu. The hikes are so stunning here and the views are amazing! Ahh can’t wait!

Are you excited for school in Hawaii? What are you studying?

The silly story about that actually is I’m not going to school out here in Oahu. I’m just living the dream!! I graduated high school a year early and decided that I wasn’t ready for college just yet so I thought I’d come and live in Hawaii. BEST. DECISION. EVER.

What do you miss most about Utah?

As much as I love Hawaii, I do miss home! I miss my family the most! I love my little fam bam. I also miss AC. Holy I will never take AC for granted ever again haha! You don’t realize what a difference it makes in your world until it's gone.

What is your favorite gem, and why?

My favorite gem would have to be Buffalo Turquoise. I love how every stone is different with buffalo turquoise. Some are more white, some are more black and some are even mixed too! They also go with every outfit everrrr!

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of the job is getting to meet all the amazing people that come into the studio! Every person is so different and has a different story. Being an instructor is the best because I get to hear the best stories and see all y'all's creativity shine through by the rings you make! I LOVE IT!

What is your favorite gem studio memory?

My favorite gem studio memory was one time, after a workshop, the team I was with, we decided to have a dance party while closing. Literally funnest night ever! I love my coworkers:)

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