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Ellie's Hawaii Collection

Silversmith & Model// @elliecollier33

Photographer// @mckennajophotos

Tell us about yourself! What do you do outside of Gem Studio?

Heyo I'm Ellie and I was born and raised in Utah, the good ol’ beehive state. I'm currently living on Oahu opening Gem Studio Waikiki alongside Summer. Outside of the Gem realm, I enjoy long walks on the beach, daily stretches with Mr. Whiskers, and pruning my hedges.

What inspired this collection?

Our local pollinators inspired this collection! Honey Bees are the key factor in keeping our living planet healthy. Though they may be small, bees contribute a third of the world's food supply! I hope to bring awareness to the decline in wild and domesticated bee populations but with confidence that we can bring them back together by simple steps like:

Eating organic (no pesticides)

Planting native flowers

Buying local honey

Supporting local farms

What are you most passionate about?

I'm most passionate about learning! I love finding new ways to go about my day that also positively impact mother nature. Every one of us human beans on this rock has the choice to leave it better than we found it or contribute to its downfall. Choose to help it!

What is currently playing on your Spotify/Apple Music?

Currently playing on my Spotify is Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros! Although he definitely doesn't know it, Alex Ebert has been my idol (and lover) growing up. His music is an easy tune to get addicted to and I've been a fan ever since

What do you want to manifest in your life over the next year?

Over the next year, I want to manifest a few things in my life. By 2022 I'd like to discover more farms in my area to support -at the source- rather than contributing to the middle man, I'd like to help the farmer’s market community grow by bringing more besties with me, and convert folks to healthy consumerism that helps both you and our planet!

Being new to Hawaii, what are you most excited to experience?

Being new to the island, I look most forward to connecting with Hawaii's beekeepers! Back home I was able to sell fresh honey for White Lake Farms at the Ogden markets. I can't wait to get back into BEESiness and get my hands on fresh honey comb.

What's your favorite thing you've done so far?

So far, one of my favorite things I've done thus far is WWOOFing! I had an amazing opportunity to harvest fresh veggies and fruit for a year on a farm called Earthly Delights on the big Island of Hawaii. WWOOf is an agricultural internship that enables people to travel globally and help farmers hands-on. It stands for worldwide organization of organic farmers and allows you to get experience on the field in exchange for food and shelter. I highly recommend checking it out!

What do you miss most about Utah?

There are a lot of things I miss about Utah. The forests, the dense snow, the concerts, and the peach season, but home wouldn't be home without the fam! I miss being so close to those goons!

What is your favorite gem and why?

My favorite gem is hands down the Bumblebee Jasper! How could you not be mesmerized by the layering and banding that looks so much like a bee! This gem was only recently discovered and is considered an extremely rare occurrence in nature.

What's your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of my job is you! I've met some of the coolest people at Gem Studio and love hearing about what makes you YOU. I feel so fortunate that making friends and jewelry everyday is considered my job??

What's your favorite gem memory?

My favorite gem studio memory has got to be the time I brought my mom in to make a necklace. If y'all could've seen the way this woman worked! She told me that she could barely remember how soldering worked, then had me sit back while she tinkered with the tools and made the most original pendant! Mom if you're reading this the offer still stands, you're hired and you can start tomorrow.

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